Reality Check of Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton Counties

Reality Check is a youth-led program, funded through the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Tobacco Control. Its objective is to expose the tobacco industry's manipulative and deceptive marketing practices and prevent the youth of New York State from becoming future tobacco users. Because tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and disease in the world, Reality Check is working towards making a healthier, tobacco-free generation.
Any student, age 13-18, in Hamilton, Fulton and Montgomery Counties can join Reality Check HFM and play a vital role in achieving this goal by speaking out against tobacco companies and speaking up for living in a tobacco-free environment. Members will have the opportunity to travel within NY state to speak with local and state legislators, participate in local community events to educate key stakeholders and community members and attend a three-day youth summit.
Reality Check members use the power of the youth voice to let big tobacco know today's youth are not tomorrow's replacement smokers. If you would like to learn more about Reality Check HFM, please visit
Denise Bention
Program Director